UK businesses fail on fire safety

UK businesses fail on fire safety

Survey by equipment & servicing company JLA says UK companies do not ensure fire safety for sites, staff and visitors. 38% of 250 UK businesses surveyed do not have adequate fire risk assessments, 40% have not provided all staff with training on avoidance of false...
pinfa Annual Report 2021

pinfa Annual Report 2021

An active year for pinfa in Europe & worldwide: five new members, strategy and advocacy, new communications tools. pinfa’s Annual Report presents an overview of activities in Europe, North America and China. Policy areas in focus are the new EU Chemicals...
1 000 London buildings are fire-unsafe

1 000 London buildings are fire-unsafe

London Fire Brigade says 1 149 buildings in London need a 24-hour “waking watch” because of severe fire safety defects. These “waking watches” were put into place in fire-unsafe buildings in London following the Grenfell Tower fire, in which 72 people died. This...
Numerical modelling of Grenfell fire – bis

Numerical modelling of Grenfell fire – bis

Modelling study, funded by Kingspan, concludes tenability inside Grenfell flats was independent of insulating material. Kingspan is the manufacturer of one of the insulation cladding products which burnt in the Grenfell Tower fire. The three-part modelling study now...
Fire retardant coatings for wood and timber

Fire retardant coatings for wood and timber

The European Coatings webforum showed how PIN FRs enable safe use in buildings of the renewable material, wood. The webinar, hosted by Katrin Vogt, European Coatings Journal,  brought together nearly forty participants from leading companies across Europe