Intumescents screened on Grand Designs

Intumescents screened on Grand Designs

The UK Channel4 TV series has featured intumescent FR paint, shown as saving the character of a front-edge renovation. The Channel4 series, running since 1999, features outstanding house renovations, in this case a Victorian dairy building in London transformed by...
Study suggests no health risk from PIN FRs

Study suggests no health risk from PIN FRs

A review of organophosphate FRs in indoor dust in China suggests that they do not pose a direct health risk. The review aims to include all relevant data on OPFRs. 618 publications were identified, screened down to cover 41 sampling locations. OPFR levels were highest...
The Swedish Chemical tax on Electronics is not working

The Swedish Chemical tax on Electronics is not working

Brussels, 5 October 2020 – Pinfa welcomes the conclusion of the report “Evaluation of the tax on chemicals in certain electronics” presented to the Swedish government on I October 2020, which found the chemical tax to be ineffective in its current form....
Study says Swedish FR tax has little effect

Study says Swedish FR tax has little effect

Company interviews suggest tax may not target the right flame retardants and has resulted in little substitution. Thirteen suppliers, importers and retailers of white goods and/or electronics were interviewed. Consistency of answers indicated that the number of...
Vape leads to fire death

Vape leads to fire death

A man died in a house fire in Florida caused by the lithium ion battery of a vape device. The battery had failed, entered thermal runaway, and then ignited combustible materials in the bedroom. Firefighters were called by the smoke alarm monitoring company but on...