Siemens white paper on EV garage fires

Siemens white paper on EV garage fires

Specific new fire risks of electric vehicles require new approaches to prevention, detection and extinction. Garage parking fires cited include Liverpool UK 2017 and Stavanger Norway 2020. These fires showed that fire can spread to an additional vehicle every 30...
Phytic acid based PIN FR for PVA

Phytic acid based PIN FR for PVA

Bio-based phosphorus flame retardant achieves UL 94 V-0 in polyvinyl alcohol with good mechanical and UV performance. The bio-based PIN FR was produced by reacting phytic acid (phosphorus-rich and widely available in plant seeds) and ethylenediamine at room...
DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

Phosphorus PIN FR DOPO was coated on PA6 textile achieving vertical burn self-extinguishing and wash semi-durable. DOPO cannot be compounded into polyamide because it is not stable at the polymer extrusion temperature. In this study, PA6 fabric (113 g/m2) was coated...
Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Review suggests that AI could enable design of cost-effective and safe new PIN FRs and underlines need for LCA. The review notes that PIN FRs are recognised as more environmentally friendly than halogenated FRs but that for some PIN FR types more data is needed to...
Reactive phosphorus PIN FR for poly(lactic acid)

Reactive phosphorus PIN FR for poly(lactic acid)

Marie-Odile Augé, Centrale Lille, France Daniele Roncucci, Empa / ETHZ, Switzerland The bio-sourced polymer poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is highly flammable and requires flame retardants to reduce fire risks. A new phosphorus PIN flame retardant DDPO (a...