Home fire safety video

Home fire safety video

Video shows side-by-side room fire tests with UK fire-safe and US non fire-safe furniture – and how families react. Two identical open-front mock-up rooms were furnished with two sofas (one UK Furniture Fire Safety Regulations standard, using flame retardant FR, and...
Book: materials fire testing methods

Book: materials fire testing methods

300-page book presents fire resistance testing of construction materials, insulation, cables, furniture, textiles, furniture, and also dust and liquids, smoke and toxicity and science of fire modelling and large scale tests. Both standardised test methods and...
Functionalised APP for different polymers

Functionalised APP for different polymers

Ammonium polyphosphate is an effective, non-toxic PIN FR. Innovative coatings improve performance and compatibility. Peil et al. encapsulated APP in cross-linked lignin (a bio-based polymer from plants) stabilised by polyglycerin polyricinoleate (PGCR, a food additive...
Historic fires show need for action

Historic fires show need for action

Webinar on 1963 Fitchville nursing home fire shows that fire safety improvements are slow and often inadequate. The webinar, by Eric Ebinger, author, historian and HR and EH&S manager, explained how 63 residents tragically died in the Golden Age Nursing Home fire,...
Save the date: EV materials webinar

Save the date: EV materials webinar

pinfa-NA free webinar – EV battery enclosure screening fire tests, with K.R. Vessey, UL Solutions. Wed. 29th May, 11h30-12h30 EDT (17h30 -18h30 CEST). https://www.pinfa-na.org/