Fire dangers from objects near buildings

Fire dangers from objects near buildings

Bench fire destroys school and again shows risks of outside furniture or decorations not covered by building regulations. In the editorial to Fire Safety & Technical Bulletin (FS&TB) February 2021, Marcelo Hirschler shows that around 3% of reported fires in...
Safe FR coating for furniture

Safe FR coating for furniture

Annabel Furniture, with Flamaway, has launched a novel FR coating to achieve fire safety, e.g. on polyester fabrics. The coating contains no halogen, no antimony and achieves with lamination crib 5 or crib 7 fire safety standards. It has a positive health profile (no...
Aviation carpet with recycled binder

Aviation carpet with recycled binder

Anker, Devan and Shark Solutions have developed a halogen-free FR carpet for aviation using 100% recycled PVB binder (polyvinyl butyral) sourced from recycled vehicle and construction glass. Anker, a German professional carpet manufacturer, developed the product with...
Smoke propagation from furniture fires

Smoke propagation from furniture fires

Full-scale building tests by IFV Netherlands show dangers from upholstered furniture fires. IFV carried out 19 full-scale fire and smoke propagation tests in a 4-storey disused residential building dating from 1973, comparing fires involving only a standard 2-place...
Silanes-based P & N FRs for textiles

Silanes-based P & N FRs for textiles

New wash-resistant Si – N – P flame retardants developed by DTNW in German government innovation project. The AiF-IGF project No. 19617 N has developed new silane-based PIN FRs, containing silicon, phosphorus and nitrogen, using industrially available amino...