pinfa input UK Furniture Fire Safety Regs

pinfa input UK Furniture Fire Safety Regs

pinfa welcomes the UK’s commitment to furniture fire safety, supports that FRs be only used where appropriate and underlines that recognised safe PIN FRs are available. The UK currently has the world’s most demanding fire safety regulations for domestic furniture,...
UK consults on Furniture Fire Regulations

UK consults on Furniture Fire Regulations

Public consultation on recast of UK’s 1988 Furniture Fire Safety Regulations open to 24th October 2023. The consultation includes a draft regulatory text “to illustrate the approach”. UK public consultation on recast of the 1988 Furniture Fire Safety Regulations, open...
PIN FRs for fire safety of recycled textiles

PIN FRs for fire safety of recycled textiles

Insulation panels produced from of end-of-life textiles must be fire safety treated for safe use in buildings. In this study, an insulating panel material made from recycled automotive textiles (seats, ceiling upholstery, foot pads, anti-noise …) with polyurethane...
UK consults on Furniture Fire Regulations

UK consults on Furniture Fire Regulations

Public consultation on recast of UK’s 1988 Furniture Fire Safety Regulations open to 24th October 2023. The consultation includes a draft regulatory text “to illustrate the approach”. The proposed new regulations would require (art. 12) the finished upholstered...
DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

Phosphorus PIN FR DOPO was coated on PA6 textile achieving vertical burn self-extinguishing and wash semi-durable. DOPO cannot be compounded into polyamide because it is not stable at the polymer extrusion temperature. In this study, PA6 fabric (113 g/m2) was coated...