EU Zero Pollution Action Plan published

EU Zero Pollution Action Plan published

This confirms the Green Deal’s targeting of endocrine disruptors, persistent and hazardous chemicals. The Zero Pollution Action Plan is presented as a ”compass for including pollution prevention in all relevant EU policies”, targeting both production and consumption...
Swedish chemicals tax proposed changes

Swedish chemicals tax proposed changes

Swedish authorities publish proposals to take into account flame retardant safety properties based on assessments. The Swedish chemicals tax on most electrical and electronic goods was introduced in 2017. An official report in 2020 concluded that it has been largely...
Safe and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD)

Safe and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD)

For chemicals, the EU emphasises safer plastic additives, product performance, recycling, harmonised approaches. A number of recent European Commission publications and workshops address the objective of “safe and sustainable by design” fixed by the new EU Chemicals...
UK Fire Safety Act 2021

UK Fire Safety Act 2021

New regulation, following the Grenfell catastrophe, extends fire safety obligations but leaves unclear who will pay the costs. Fire Safety Orders for buildings with two or more dwellings will now extend to the structure, walls, doors, windows. The Act also introduces...
Complexity of neurodevelopmental toxicity assessment.

Complexity of neurodevelopmental toxicity assessment.

Fifteen brominated, chlorinated or phosphate ester flame retardants were tested using a battery of 22 different in vitro neurodevelopmental endpoint tests. Only one FR (TCIPP) showed no effect in all tests. The others showed effects in one or several tests, at...