Study says Swedish FR tax has little effect

Study says Swedish FR tax has little effect

Company interviews suggest tax may not target the right flame retardants and has resulted in little substitution. Thirteen suppliers, importers and retailers of white goods and/or electronics were interviewed. Consistency of answers indicated that the number of...
Information on melamine REACH dossier

Information on melamine REACH dossier

European producers have announced the self-classification of melamine as a suspected human reproductive toxicant Cat. 2 This follows results of animal testing funded by industry, after ECHA concluded in 2017 that existing scientific data was inconclusive. The European...
EU GPP criteria exclude halogens

EU GPP criteria exclude halogens

New Green Public Purchasing (GPP) for printers exclude all halogenated polymers and halogenated flame retardants. GPP criteria are “voluntary”, but can be used by public bodies to justify tendering criteria with full legal security. The new criteria concern “Imaging...
General Product Safety Directive

General Product Safety Directive

Pinfa has called for a better inclusion of fire safety in product safety rules in EU consultation on GPSD. The General product Safety Directive 2001/95, now twenty years old, sets general safety rules for products not covered by specific legislation (e.g. products...
EU project on fire safety statistics

EU project on fire safety statistics

Pilot project on fire data launched after European Parliament vote will prepare EU initiatives on fire safety. A consortium with Efectis, IFV, CTIF, NFPA, DBI, VFDB, BAM, the European Fire Safety Alliance, The University of Edinburgh and The University of Lund has...