EU One Substance – One Assessment

EU One Substance – One Assessment

The European Commission has adopted three acts to streamline chemicals assessment, data bases and monitoring. The changes aim to ensure transparency of scientific studies commissioned by authorities and by companies, to collect human biomonitoring data (results of...
EU publishes review of RoHS Directive

EU publishes review of RoHS Directive

Report concludes RoHS Directive “continues to respond to needs” and supports the Circular Economy. The report estimates that the Directive reduced restricted substances in EEE by two-thirds (2003-2016). It underlines that the list of restricted substances should...
Political agreement on EU EcoDesign

Political agreement on EU EcoDesign

This will probably enable adoption of the EcoDesign Regulation revision before the June 2024 European elections. The European Commission statement announcing this ‘trilogue agreement’ (provisional agreement between the European Parliament and Council) underlines that...
Flame retardant regulations are effective

Flame retardant regulations are effective

Study suggests that regulation has been effective in reducing levels of targeted FRs in human breast milk. Analysis of over 200 published studies shows a ‘break point’ in concentrations of two FRs* regulated in Europe in 2004. Comparisons between regions with...
US: tighter restrictions for DecaBDE, PIP

US: tighter restrictions for DecaBDE, PIP

US EPA proposes to further restrict DecaBDE (brominated FR) and PIP (TrTPP = phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1)). These flame retardants are PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic) and are already restricted since 2021 under US TCSA (Toxic Substances Control...