US heads for minimal national furniture fire standards

US heads for minimal national furniture fire standards

The US Congress voted on 17th December 2019 the “Safer Occupancy Furniture Flammability Act” (SOFFA, H.R.2647). This must now pass the US Senate. If the bill is finally adopted, then California Technical Bulletin 117–2013 would become a US federal standard for...
Growth predicted for flame retardants

Growth predicted for flame retardants

New market studies continue to predict growth for flame retardant demand, particularly for PIN FRs. Credence Research predicts 6.4% annual growth for the flame retardants globally to 2025, marginally higher than DataMintIntelligence (6.2% in pinfa Newsletter n°108),...
Fire losses in the USA

Fire losses in the USA

The US Fire Administration has published a 100-page report on fire losses in the USA, 2008-2017. Some 1.3 million fire incidents were reported to fire departments in 2017 resulting in 3 400 deaths, 14 700 injuries and 23 billion US$ financial losses. Although fire...
FAA proposed changes to aircraft fire safety rules

FAA proposed changes to aircraft fire safety rules

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently considering proposed changes to fire protection regulations for aircraft interiors. On one hand, the proposed changes would extend requirements to materials used in inaccessible portions of the fuselage, not...
UK plans update to Furniture Fire Safety Regulations

UK plans update to Furniture Fire Safety Regulations

The UK Government has published (July 2019) its response to the 2017 public consultation on the updating of the 1988 UK Furniture Fire Safety Regulations (see pinfa Newsletter n°74). The consultation received 126 inputs, of which around 2/3 from business, and the...