Vehicle trends make fire an increasing risk

Vehicle trends make fire an increasing risk

The percent of road accident fatalities in burning vehicles is increasing, accentuated by materials and technology trends. A study based on data from the USA, UK and Sweden, interviews with medical experts and assessment of accident reports, shows that although the...
Environmental impact of fires in buildings

Environmental impact of fires in buildings

A PIN FR package in epoxy shows aviation fire performance and reduced smoke emission and toxicity. DGEBA-based epoxy was combined with FRs, then applied to woven glass fibres (GF) to 0.6 mm thickness. A PIN flame retardant package (resin micro-encapsulated red...
Electric vehicle fire tests

Electric vehicle fire tests

Swiss tests show how fast and violently electric vehicles can burn and note specific pollution risks in fire-fighting waters. The fire tests were carried out by AG/EMPA for the Swiss Federal Government, using charged batteries in scenarios representing a...
Full-scale metro carriage test burn

Full-scale metro carriage test burn

Tests on a China metro carriage, as before today’s fire standards, exceeded 1000 kW heat in less than three minutes. The 2B-type carriage used (internal dimensions 1.9 x 3 x 2.65 m) was manufactured early on for the China metro system, before improvements made to fire...