Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Review suggests that AI could enable design of cost-effective and safe new PIN FRs and underlines need for LCA. The review notes that PIN FRs are recognised as more environmentally friendly than halogenated FRs but that for some PIN FR types more data is needed to...
Reactive phosphorus PIN FR for poly(lactic acid)

Reactive phosphorus PIN FR for poly(lactic acid)

Marie-Odile Augé, Centrale Lille, France Daniele Roncucci, Empa / ETHZ, Switzerland The bio-sourced polymer poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is highly flammable and requires flame retardants to reduce fire risks. A new phosphorus PIN flame retardant DDPO (a...
Protecting carbon fibres from fire in laminates

Protecting carbon fibres from fire in laminates

Weronika Tabaka, BAM Germany Fire stability of carbon fibre – epoxy resin laminates with protective interlayers was tested at bench scale (120 mm x 120 mm) with simultaneous application of mechanical load and direct flame (butane burner). Six different combinations of...
Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference 2023

Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference 2023

The 19th edition of FRPM (Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference) was  hosted by Empa, Switzerland, 26-29 June 2023. This is one of the world’s biggest flame retardant conference, with nearly 250 participants, 69 oral presentations and 70...
EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability – Martijn Beekman, European Commission, DG GROW Despite forty years of chemicals regulations in Europe, today sees high levels of citizen concern about chemical impacts on health and on the environment and scientific...