
Posted on 06/09/2019 in 2019
EFSA consultation on chlorinated paraffins in food

The European Food Safety Agency has opened a public consultation to 17th September 2019 on risks to human and animal health from chlorinated paraffin contamination in food and feed. This concerns short chain chlorinated paraffins SCCPs, medium chain MCCPs and long chain LCCPs, which are used as lubricants, as flame retardants and as additives in rubbers, plastics and sealants. The draft EFSA Opinion submitted to consultation notes that very limited data is available concerning the occurrence of these substances in human food, and none concerning animal feed, and concludes that more information is needed on analytical methods, occurrence in food and feed, toxico-kinetics and chronic toxicity.

“Public consultation: chlorinated paraffins in food and feed”, open to 17 September 2019

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