Organophosphorus FR metabolites detected in urban air across the world. Metabolites of five OPFR (organophosphate ester flame retardants) TCEP, TCPP, TDCPP (chlorinated) and TBEP, TPhP (non-chlorinated) were analysed in samples of air from 18 megacities worldwide (Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling – Megacities programme). Nineteen metabolites were detected, of which ten metabolites (6 chlorinated, 4 non-chlorinated) were identified to specific molecules. Total concentrations were in all cases < 0.005 µg/m3. The authors suggest that the results show the need to consider atmospheric transformations when assessing chemical risks.
“Uncovering global-scale risks from commercial chemicals in air”, Q. Liu et al., Nature, vol. 600, 16 December 2021