NFPA US Fire Loss Report 2020

NFPA US Fire Loss Report 2020

Numbers of fires and of fire casualties in the USA are approximately stable since around 2010, with some 1.4 million fires, 3 500 civilian fire deaths, 5 200 reported civilian fire injuries and nearly US$22 billion fire damage in 2020. Compared to 1980, numbers of...
pinfa and Cefic

pinfa and Cefic

Jonathan Crozier, pinfa and Cefic, outlined the new needs for flame retardants in plastics in emobility. Electric vehicles are currently less than 2% of the world automotive market (but nearly 5% in China), but growth is expected to exceed 70% per year. Already in...
Novel PIN additives reduce smoke toxicity

Novel PIN additives reduce smoke toxicity

Carbon microspheres modified with molybdenum reduced smoke and carbon monoxide emission from TPU polyurethane. Hollow carbon microspheres were synthesised using polyacrylic acid, ethyl orthosilicate and phenolic resin, then carbonised and acidified with phosphoric...
pinfa Electromobility & Fire Safety workshop Tokyo

pinfa Electromobility & Fire Safety workshop Tokyo

At its 2nd Electromobility and fire safety challenges workshop, Tokyo, 1st July 2019, pinfa brought together more than 60 stakeholders of the electromobility value chain: automotive companies, OEMs, plastic compounders and manufacturers of flame retardants. Held as a...