Chemical Footprint 2020 survey open

Chemical Footprint 2020 survey open

The “Chemical Footprint Project” was launched in 2015 by Clean Production Action, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Pure Strategies with the objective of transforming global chemical use by measuring and disclosing...
EU GPP criteria exclude halogens

EU GPP criteria exclude halogens

New Green Public Purchasing (GPP) for printers exclude all halogenated polymers and halogenated flame retardants. GPP criteria are “voluntary”, but can be used by public bodies to justify tendering criteria with full legal security. The new criteria concern “Imaging...
New Hampshire bans all FRs in furniture

New Hampshire bans all FRs in furniture

The State of New Hampshire has adopted a bill (SB193) banning the sale of furniture which contains > 0.1% “flame retardants” in its covering or cushioning. A “flame retardant” is defined as any chemical “for which a functional use is to resist or inhibit the spread...