General Product Safety Directive

General Product Safety Directive

Pinfa has called for a better inclusion of fire safety in product safety rules in EU consultation on GPSD. The General product Safety Directive 2001/95, now twenty years old, sets general safety rules for products not covered by specific legislation (e.g. products...
PIN FRs for laser transmission plastic welding

PIN FRs for laser transmission plastic welding

pinfa member Lanxess has developed compounds with innovative non-halogenated flame-retardant packages, based on PBT (polybutylene terephthalates) and on polyamides, compatible with laser transmission welding. Laser welding is used to fuse small plastic parts, enabling...
Conference paper prize winners interviews

Conference paper prize winners interviews

Stanislav Stoliarov & Christopher Lee, University of Maryland Most of the current fire safety solutions were developed in response to and based on fire accidents that occurred in the past, often some time ago. This model of reactive fire safety engineering may...