Fire fighters call Amazon to stop selling unlisted alarms

Fire fighters call Amazon to stop selling unlisted alarms

National fire service leaders and other stakeholders are supporting a “Vision 20/20” project call to ask Amazon and other e-commerce companies to stop selling unlisted smoke and carbon dioxide alarms. Some 25 models are cited which have not been tested by recognised...
Bernd Hönig, Constab

Bernd Hönig, Constab

Constab optimises formulations to achieve customers’ needs for specific and often demanding applications. PIN FRs are now available which offer heat stability in processing, are melt blendable, easy to process and can be transparent or colour-compatible. However, in...
Washington consultation on “priority products”

Washington consultation on “priority products”

Following on from the consultation on defining “priority chemicals” in 2019 (see pinfa Newsletter n°108), the State of Washington has now opened to 2nd March 2020 a consultation on “priority products”. This follows from the State’s law RCW 70.365 “Safer Products for...
FRETWORK textile FR code of practice moves forward

FRETWORK textile FR code of practice moves forward

The Flame Retarded Textiles Network, UK (FRETWORK) has launched a Primary Authority partnership with Nottingham County Council Trading Standards to enable participating companies to benefit from formally assured advice. FRETWORK members have developed a Code of Good...