Fire safe waterproof sun-protection

Fire safe waterproof sun-protection

Markilux has launched a halogen-free flame retardant polyester sun shading fabric for its designer awnings and blinds. The polyurethane-coated polyester fabrics are waterproof, weather durable, SFC dirt-inhibiting, pliable even at cold temperatures, and transparent...
Aviation carpet with recycled binder

Aviation carpet with recycled binder

Anker, Devan and Shark Solutions have developed a halogen-free FR carpet for aviation using 100% recycled PVB binder (polyvinyl butyral) sourced from recycled vehicle and construction glass. Anker, a German professional carpet manufacturer, developed the product with...
CPR CE-mark and export

CPR CE-mark and export

The EU CE-mark is necessary to sell construction products in the EU, but also brings credibility and added-value for export, for example for timber and wood products used in both commercial and residential buildings. An article published by Burnblock explains that the...
Bio-based FR for cotton textiles

Bio-based FR for cotton textiles

Devan Chemicals has launched a new bio-based flame retardant for cotton and cotton/viscose blends, first of a Bio-Flam range under development. Devan Chemicals is a Belgium-based specialist textile chemical company. Bio-flam P307 is halogen-free (to EN 16785-1 2015)...
Virtual reality for fire awareness

Virtual reality for fire awareness

US Fire Administration, FEMA and META, launch virtual reality experience tool to promote fire safety awareness. The free tool lets users with VR equipment or using a desktop version practice fire escape skills and create a fire escape plan at home, at work, in public...