ZHF TPU for wire and cable

ZHF TPU for wire and cable

Lubrizol’s new ESTANE® ZHF (zero halogen flame retardant) TPU offers performance, aesthetic quality and UL 105°C rating. The TPU (thermosplastic polyurethane) is DIN VDE 282 (standard for flexible insulated sleeving) uses PIN flame retardants (non-halogenated) to...
Review of car park fires

Review of car park fires

Summary of four major fires and eight research fire tests, concludes risks are increasing and fire spread accelerating. Car park fires analysed include Liverpool (2017), Cork (2019), Stavanger airport (2020), Märsta (2021), along with published full-scale fire tests...
Mineral PIN FR cables show durability

Mineral PIN FR cables show durability

Cables with mineral PIN flame retardants showed durable fire performance after prolonged harsh weathering. Simple test cables (copper core plus mono-material sheath) were formulated by Leoni Kabel, using EVA and EVA-LLDPE (ethylene vinyl acetate and linear low density...
Graphene effective PIN FR for foams

Graphene effective PIN FR for foams

PET foam treated with Directa Plus graphene resists flame penetration seven times longer than neat foam. The tests were carried out by Turin Polytechnic using 120 kg/m3 polyethylene terephthalate foams from BASF, coated with Directa Plus expanded graphene...
US’ grim sequels to Grenfell

US’ grim sequels to Grenfell

Two recent fires in public housing in the US, leaving 29 dead lead to calls for reform in fire safety regulations and funding.17 people died in the Twin Parks North West public housing building, in the Bronx, New York on 13th January, all killed by smoke because...