
RECYCLING PIN flame retardants can be compatible with polymer recycling MECHANICAL RECYCLING = re-using the plastics as such after separation of different kinds, grinding, melting etc. and turning into new products FEEDSTOCK RECUCLING = breakdown of the plastics into...
ECOFRAM 2024 – call for speakers

ECOFRAM 2024 – call for speakers

Call open to 31. January, for ECOFRAM Valencia, 22-23 May 2024 (Eco-Friendly Flame Retardant Additives and Materials). This 4th international ECOFRAM conference will address fundamental and applied research concerning eco-friendly flame retardant additives and...
Review on flame retarding of batteries

Review on flame retarding of batteries

Fire and thermal runaway risks of lithium ion batteries can be reduced by using PIN FRs in separators, electrolyte, cathode. A review of materials for improving thermal stability and safety of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) provides information and references on...
PIN FRs for a safer electric grid

PIN FRs for a safer electric grid

1 000 wildfires/year are ignited by electricity distribution cables in the US. PIN flame retardant cable insulation can cut risk, reduce energy losses and enable underground transmission infrastructure, which offers aesthetic benefits and avoids damage and outages in...
Fulvia Raffaelli, European Commission DG GROW

Fulvia Raffaelli, European Commission DG GROW

Emphasised that sustainability is critical in construction, but is also very complex. Energy efficiency was a key parameter in the past, but now circularity is also a priority (use of secondary materials, recycling building materials on demolition). Sustainability is...