Vehicle trends make fire an increasing risk

Vehicle trends make fire an increasing risk

The percent of road accident fatalities in burning vehicles is increasing, accentuated by materials and technology trends. A study based on data from the USA, UK and Sweden, interviews with medical experts and assessment of accident reports, shows that although the...
Environment and safety

Environment and safety

Jérémie Pourchez, Mines Alès France, presented analysis of nano-particles in fly ash (from offgas filters) and bottom ash, both from laboratory incineration of ethylene vinyl acetate polymer containing nano-minerals: silica, alumina, boehmite, zinc, titanium. These...
Innovative PIN FR application: polyelectrolytes

Innovative PIN FR application: polyelectrolytes

Jaime Grunlan, Texas A&M University, USA, presented polyelectrolytes as a mode of PIN flame retardant surface application to materials such as textiles or polymers. Two different chemicals are dissolved in water. A pH change causes the two to react together and to...
Corina Neumeister, Nabaltec

Corina Neumeister, Nabaltec

Corina Neumeister, Nabaltec, panellist for pinfa, noted that non-halogenated flame retardant solutions today exist for many energy applications, including for the specific performance and safety requirements of e.g. photovoltaics and electric vehicle charging systems,...
UK extends ban on combustible cladding

UK extends ban on combustible cladding

Combustible cladding is banned on high rise buildings and non FR polyethylene composite panels on all new buildings. The UK Government’s revision of fire safety guidance is part of an ongoing tightening of building regulations following the Grenfell fire. As well as...