Book: ‘Green’ flame retardants for polymers

Book: ‘Green’ flame retardants for polymers

Wide R&D perspectives for bio-derived and green mineral, phosphorus and nitrogen flame retardants. A definition of a “Green Flame Retardant” is proposed (page 363, W. Tang et al.) as: including at least one bio-based or its synthesis respects at least one of the...
Christian Fundby Schou, DBI

Christian Fundby Schou, DBI

Agreed that fire safety opens important potential for innovation in sustainable building materials and construction. This is possible if fire safety is integrated from initial conception. Both materials and buildings should be Fire Safe and Sustainable by Design....
Brian Meacham, Meacham Associates

Brian Meacham, Meacham Associates

Further underlined the need for data on changing fire risks with green buildings. Data is not keeping up with the implementation of new technologies, green materials, façade insulation, photovoltaics, energy storage, etc. Developments in green buildings need to take...
Fire and smoke toxicity for sandwich panels

Fire and smoke toxicity for sandwich panels

Flame retarded phenolic foam core panel showed lowest toxic smoke emissions, did not reach danger limit for warehouse fire. Recent major fires have occurred in warehouses and logistics centres in South Korea (e.g. Icheon 38 deaths, Yongin 5 deaths, both 2020) and...
Hydrogels as novel PIN FRs

Hydrogels as novel PIN FRs

Review suggests highly porous gels, which release water to prevent and slow fire, offer an innovative new PIN FR concept. Hydrogels are 3D crosslinked polymeric materials, based on natural or synthetic polymers, which can be prepared as coatings, films, additive...