2nd Symposium on Public Safety

2nd Symposium on Public Safety

This specialist workshop discussed fire safety challenges in today’s society. NIST and UL videos show how fast flashover can occur in a modern home. The workshop at Case Western University (CWRU), Ohio, was organised by Hatsuo Ishida, and brought together 120...
International fire safety standard published

International fire safety standard published

60-page first edition of IFSS “International Fire Safety Standards: Common Principles” was released 1st October 2020. IFSS is a global coalition of 80 organisations professional institutes and fire safety leadership organisations, including the UN. Its aim is to...
Kiss Nightclub fire

Kiss Nightclub fire

Report says appropriate building materials could have prevented the Kiss Nightclub’s 242 fire deaths, Brazil Jan. 2013. The fire started when a firework lit by one of band playing on stage ignited sound insulation foam on the ceiling. Fire deaths resulted from a...
PIN FR replacing perfluorinates

PIN FR replacing perfluorinates

Arichem, Alabama, reports increasing demand for its non-halogenated sulphonate PIN FR for polycarbonate, resulting from listing as SVHC (substance of very high concern) of potassium perfluorobutane sulphonate (and analogues). Arichem’s potassium...