Smoke propagation from furniture fires

Smoke propagation from furniture fires

Full-scale building tests by IFV Netherlands show dangers from upholstered furniture fires. IFV carried out 19 full-scale fire and smoke propagation tests in a 4-storey disused residential building dating from 1973, comparing fires involving only a standard 2-place...
Home fires caused by electrical equipment

Home fires caused by electrical equipment

US NFPA says electrical wiring, lighting and related installations cause 5 000 home fires, cost 250 M$ per year. Data for 2015-2019 identifies nearly 33 000 home fires caused by electrical distribution and lighting equipment (for the period), leading to 430 civilian...
UK Fire Safety Act 2021

UK Fire Safety Act 2021

New regulation, following the Grenfell catastrophe, extends fire safety obligations but leaves unclear who will pay the costs. Fire Safety Orders for buildings with two or more dwellings will now extend to the structure, walls, doors, windows. The Act also introduces...
EU biomonitoring conclusions on FRs

EU biomonitoring conclusions on FRs

HBM4EU conference says data is inadequate for 60+ current use FRs, suggests potential endocrine disrupting concerns. The EU-funded HBM4EU human biomonitoring project (Horizon2020) is coordinated by the German Environment Agency UBA and involves several European...
Nantes cathedral fire

Nantes cathedral fire

The fire which destroyed the historic organ of Nantes Cathedral, France, 18th July, was arson. A Rwandan national, who had been ordered to leave the country in 2019, and who was regularly doing voluntary work for the Church, is reported to have admitted starting the...