

pinfa outlined tomorrow’s fire safety challenges at the 18th Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials conference (FRPM), Budapest. FRPM21 took place in Budapest and online, 29 Aug – 1 Sept 2021, with 125 in-person and 30 online participants from 18 countries, and nearly 100...
US EPA consults on chemicals assessment scopes

US EPA consults on chemicals assessment scopes

Risk evaluation scopes for the 20 priority chemicals listed under TCSA last year, including two chlorinated FRs and TPP, are open to comment to 26th May 2020. EPA identified in December 2019 twenty chemicals as “high priority” for risk evaluation under TSCA (Toxic...
Webinar: Fire safety and electric vehicles

Webinar: Fire safety and electric vehicles

Organised by pinfa in the European Fire Safety Week, the webinar 19th November 10h-11h30 CET will discuss: the specific new fire risks of electric and hybrid vehicles, approaches developed by the car industry and suppliers to address these risks and policy actions and...
UK Government £1 billion for fire risk claddings

UK Government £1 billion for fire risk claddings

The UK Government has announced an (additional) £1 billion fund to support replacement of non fire-safe cladding materials on tall buildings. This adds to UK£ 600 million already allocated to replace the highest risk ACM (aluminium composite material) cladding, as...
Canada assessment of 1-bromopropane

Canada assessment of 1-bromopropane

Canada has proposed to classify the non-FR chemical 1-bromopropane (nPB) persistent, health and environment risk. 1-bromopropane is principally used as a solvent, degreaser or intermediate in chemicals production, adhesives and sealants, not as a flame retardant. The...