Global chemicals databases

Global chemicals databases

A 2-year Norway – Switzerland research project is developing a database of chemicals used in plastics. Coordinated by Trondheim University and funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the “PlastChem” project intends to develop an overview of all plastics chemicals,...
Cost of fire in England: 12 billion UK£/year

Cost of fire in England: 12 billion UK£/year

Government estimates total fire costs at 12 bn UK£/y, of which a 1/4 is impacts of fire, and 3/4 fire prevention and mitigation. The report covers only fires attended by fire services, for the year ending March 2020 and covers only England (population 56.5 million,...
European Fire Safety Manifesto 2024-2029

European Fire Safety Manifesto 2024-2029

18 organisations, including pinfa, call for a comprehensive EU fire safety strategy from the next Parliament and Commission. The 6-page Manifesto aims to ensure fire safety for EU citizens in all types of building across Europe. Five thousand people are killed by fire...