Debate on wildfire retardants in US

Debate on wildfire retardants in US

US regulators are opposing lawsuits attempting to prevent use of fire retardants to fight wildfires. The lawsuits, brought by an NGO of Forest Service employees (FESSS), suggests that a permit would be needed to use fire retardants in wildfire fighting water. It is...
Compounding World innovation overview

Compounding World innovation overview

Special articles on flame retardants and cables show leading companies are centring development on PIN technologies. The articles bring together interviews of FR producers, compounders and production equipment providers, and are accessible online. Compounding World’s...
Regulatory and market perspectives

Regulatory and market perspectives

Adrian Beard (pinfa) summarised policy and stakeholder trends impacting flame retardant chemical selection in Europe and in North America. The EU Green Deal and its Chemical Strategy for Sustainability will greatly accentuate sustainability requirements for flame...
EU clarifies ban on recycling of plastics with PBDEs

EU clarifies ban on recycling of plastics with PBDEs

The European Commission has notified UNEP that it “withdraws” its exemption from the Stockholm Convention POP ban (Persistent Organic Pollutant) for recycled materials containing tetra-, penta-, hexa- or hepta-BDE. This follows adoption in June 2019 of Regulation EU...