Lightweight PIN FR composites

Lightweight PIN FR composites

Vacuum infusion composites with PIN flame retardants enable lightweight, performance components for transport systems. Peter Kornas, Büfa, summarised innovation in laminate composites for transport. A combination of PIN FRs, in particular mineral intumescents and...
“Green” buildings increase fire risk

“Green” buildings increase fire risk

Report says fire performance should be integrated into sustainable building materials and design and more research is needed. Published by the US NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), the 155-page report notes that “green” construction design and installations,...


TEXTILES The flammability of textiles ranges from easily ignitable cotton or polyester materials to virtually non-flammable high performance textiles based on aramides (e.g. Nomex®). The ignitability depends not only on the material itself, but also on the...
Flame retardants and 3D printing

Flame retardants and 3D printing

Review points to PIN FR 3D-pinting materials but suggests more data is needed on fire behaviour of 3D-printed materials. A review of nearly 80 sources summarises fire behaviour of 3D-print polymers and developments of PIN FRs. Poly-lactic acid (PLA), ethylene-vinyl...
pinfa and fire safety in e-mobility

pinfa and fire safety in e-mobility

pinfa’s vision for sustainable fire safety Adrian Beard, pinfa Chairperson and Clariant, outlined pinfa’s vision, which is to improve fire safety and to reduce smoke impacts, whilst improving the environmental and health profile of flame retardants, their...