EFSA consultation on chlorinated paraffins in food

EFSA consultation on chlorinated paraffins in food

The European Food Safety Agency has opened a public consultation to 17th September 2019 on risks to human and animal health from chlorinated paraffin contamination in food and feed. This concerns short chain chlorinated paraffins SCCPs, medium chain MCCPs and long...
Information on melamine REACH dossier

Information on melamine REACH dossier

European producers have announced the self-classification of melamine as a suspected human reproductive toxicant Cat. 2 This follows results of animal testing funded by industry, after ECHA concluded in 2017 that existing scientific data was inconclusive. The European...
Phosphate mine waste effective as FR

Phosphate mine waste effective as FR

“Phosphorus tailings” – waste generated in large quantities by phosphate rock mining (in this study, from Tiaoshuihe phosphate mine, Hubei Sanning Mining, China) were tested as a flame retardant, at 2.5 – 10% loading, with 15 – 25% aluminium hypophosphite, in...
PIN FRs for bio-based insulation materials

PIN FRs for bio-based insulation materials

Lily Deborde, LGCGM Rennes University France, summarised work on PIN flame retardant alternatives to boric acid and ammonium salts for hemp fibre thermal insulation products (blown insulation, panels). The objective is to use local bio-resources in materials to reduce...
DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

DOPO coating of polyamide fibres

Phosphorus PIN FR DOPO was coated on PA6 textile achieving vertical burn self-extinguishing and wash semi-durable. DOPO cannot be compounded into polyamide because it is not stable at the polymer extrusion temperature. In this study, PA6 fabric (113 g/m2) was coated...