pinfa input UK Furniture Fire Safety Regs

pinfa input UK Furniture Fire Safety Regs

pinfa welcomes the UK’s commitment to furniture fire safety, supports that FRs be only used where appropriate and underlines that recognised safe PIN FRs are available. The UK currently has the world’s most demanding fire safety regulations for domestic furniture,...
Risk scientists criticise Chemicals Strategy

Risk scientists criticise Chemicals Strategy

Scientists of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment question the scientific basis of the new EU Chemicals Strategy, in particular the hazard-based approach. The eight scientists suggest that the new Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) was developed...
pinfa-NA webinar attendee survey

pinfa-NA webinar attendee survey

Survey with five short questions aims to help pinfa-NA improve and develop its ‘Lunch and Learn’ one-hour webinar series. pinfa-NA launched these in February 2023 with a webinar on polymeric materials in fires (Feb. 2023), followed by the Boston Great Fire (March...
US Codes for “Fire Retardant Treated Wood” FRTW

US Codes for “Fire Retardant Treated Wood” FRTW

After a number of years of discussion, agreement has been reached to clarify fire safety testing requirements for Fire Retardant Treated Wood (FRTW), that is wood which is impregnated with fire safety products (usually in a pressure treatment). New wording will be...
Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference 2023

Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference 2023

The 19th edition of FRPM (Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials Conference) was  hosted by Empa, Switzerland, 26-29 June 2023. This is one of the world’s biggest flame retardant conference, with nearly 250 participants, 69 oral presentations and 70...