Polymeric P FR selected for airport seating

Polymeric P FR selected for airport seating

FRX polyphosphonate PIN flame retardant has been selected to ensure fire safety of airport polyester seat fabrics. The polyphosphonate is combined with polyester to produce a fabric blend achieving airport fire safety requirements. FRX and Sichuan EM Technology are...
PIN FR recycled denim fire blocks

PIN FR recycled denim fire blocks

Denim cotton fabric can be recycled using PIN flame retardants to produce composite boards for fire compartmentation. The world produces some 150 million t/y of textile waste. This review suggests that end-of-life denim cotton fibres treated with PIN flame retardants...
Series of tragic fires in China

Series of tragic fires in China

13 children dead in a school dormitory fire, 39 in a shop fire, 15 in an appartement building. Xi Jinping calls for resolute action. China has seen a series of tragic fires. 13 children died in a fire in the private Yingcai nursery and primary school, Yanshanpu...
EV fires an opportunity for materials

EV fires an opportunity for materials

IDTechEx market report points to new equipment needs for EVs and material and new demands for fire safe materials. The report analyses new system trends in EVs and related component and material opportunities. The analysis underlines the high cost and media impact of...