Other news

Other news

Endocrine (EDC) effects of “replacement” FRs. Experimental data and endocrine modelling results were collected for 52 flame retardants considered to be possible replacement of brominated PBDE and HBCD FRs. Experimental data was found for less than half of the FRs (23...
PIN FR from recycled waste textiles

PIN FR from recycled waste textiles

Waste PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) filter textiles were tested as a PIN FR in epoxy, showing reduced PHHR and smoke. PPS fibre bag-filters are widely used for high-temperature industrial gas cleaning, for e.g. combustion plants, metallurgy … Material recycling by...
Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Pathway to sustainable PIN FRs

Review suggests that AI could enable design of cost-effective and safe new PIN FRs and underlines need for LCA. The review notes that PIN FRs are recognised as more environmentally friendly than halogenated FRs but that for some PIN FR types more data is needed to...
Fire safety no longer progressing

Fire safety no longer progressing

1.5 million fires in the USA in 2022 caused nearly 3 800 deaths, over 13 000 injuries and US$ 18 billion property loss. This covers only fires to which fire services responded. The US NFPA (National Association for Fire Protection) “Fire Loss” 2022 report notes that...
UL furniture fire safety & chemicals guide

UL furniture fire safety & chemicals guide

New UL Guide provides detailed information on fire risks, fire protection and flame retardants for upholstered furniture. “Managing Fire and Chemical Exposure Risks of Residential Upholstered Furniture” provides over 40 pages of detailed information (over 110...