Plans for FR assessment and regulation

Plans for FR assessment and regulation

ECHA document identifies most PIN flame retardants as low hazard, no regulatory action needed, including mineral, nitrogen, inorganic phosphate and several types of organophosphorus FR. ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) proposes “a wide and generic restriction” (under...
Environment and health challenges for fire fighters

Environment and health challenges for fire fighters

Margaret Macnamee, Lund University, presented the Fire Impact Tool (developed from the ENVECO tool), to provide decision support and training information to firefighters on LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) and ERA (local Environmental Risk Assessment) related to different...


WHO IS PINFA The flame retardants’ world uses many abbreviations which are often confusing for people who are new to the field. Here we have put together a list of commonly used abbreviations. For chemical substances the CAS registry number is also given. A ABS...
New test method for facades underway

New test method for facades underway

Lars Boström, RiSE, at an online webinar, presented progress to finalise the new EU building façade fire test. Building facades with insulation material will make a major contribution to energy savings, with major investments planned with the EU Green Deal “Renovation...