Discussing the ECHA FR Strategy

Discussing the ECHA FR Strategy

Discussion paper welcomes the ECHA FR Strategy grouping approach and proposes additional criteria. The paper, by three environmental scientists, suggests that flame retardant use should target applications where FRs bring significant fire safety benefits and where...
Last decade shows little fire safety progress

Last decade shows little fire safety progress

1.35 million fires in the US in 2021 caused 3 800 civilian fire deaths, 14 700 injuries and 16 bn. US$ property damage. This covers only fires to which fire services responded. The US NFPA (National Association for Fire Protection) “Fire Loss” 2021 report notes that...
Testing new silicon – nitrogen PIN FRs

Testing new silicon – nitrogen PIN FRs

Silylamine and siloxyamine compounds showed flame retardancy in PP, PE and epoxy and synergy with P FR. Seventeen different N-Si and N-O-Si were synthesised, based on phthalimide (reacted to silyphthalimides or siloxyphthalimides) or on pyromelletic diimides. These...
Croatia’s recovery plan refers to fire safety

Croatia’s recovery plan refers to fire safety

National “Recovery and Resilience Plan” for EU Covid recovery funding states building renovations must include fire safety, The Plan, validated by the EU, notes that Croatia’s building stock is largely old and energy-inefficient, often not meeting minimum fire safety...