Bio-based PIN FR for wood fibre materials

Bio-based PIN FR for wood fibre materials

Wheat starch modified with P and N showed to be an effective FR for wood fibres and industrially processable. Wood fibres are widely used in heat and sound insulation materials, and are recyclable, compostable and non-toxic, but are flammable. Industrial wheat starch...
pinfa E-Mobility Workshop, Tokyo, 1st July 2019

pinfa E-Mobility Workshop, Tokyo, 1st July 2019

The pinfa workshop on “Fire Safety Challenges in Automotive Plastics”, Tokyo, 1st July, will take place within EMCE2019 (E-Mobility and the Circular Economy, 1-3 July 2019). The workshop will address fire safety challenges facing the automobile industry with electric...
Review of bio-based flame retardants

Review of bio-based flame retardants

A thirty-one page review paper, based on nearly eighty publications, summarises developments and perspectives for bio-based PIN flame retardants for synthetic polymeric materials. Renewable PIN FRs discussed are based on: tannic acid, phytic acid (a plant molecule...
Consultation on International Fire Safety Standard

Consultation on International Fire Safety Standard

The International Fire Safety Standards (IFFS) Coalition has published a “Draft International Standard: International Fire Safety Standards (IFSS) – Common Principles – Safe Buildings Save Lives” . The consultation is open to 23rd March 2020. The proposal aims...
UK buildings failing fire safety tests

UK buildings failing fire safety tests

An estimated 1 700 buildings in the UK (hospitals, schools, high-rise flats …) may be “at risk” because cladding and construction materials pose fire risks. Following the Grenfell tower fire (2017) the UK Government banned combustible materials in new buildings over...